The Ultimate Guide: Ecwid and Shopify vs Custom, Self-Hosted WooCommerce E-commerce Websites

ecwid and shopify vs woocommerce

In the digital age, creating an online store is an essential part of leveraging business growth and reaching a wider market. The choice of platform you use can significantly impact your store’s functionality, scalability, and overall success. This blog post aims to guide you through the differences between using Ecwid or Shopify and developing a custom, self-hosted e-commerce website using WooCommerce.


1. Introduction to Ecwid, Shopify, and WooCommerce

Before diving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand what each platform offers.

  • Ecwid: An “e-commerce widget” that can turn any existing website into an online store.
  • Shopify: A hosted e-commerce platform providing an all-in-one solution for running an online store.
  • WooCommerce: An open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress, allowing for a highly customizable, self-hosted online store.


2. Setup and Ease of Use

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • Both Ecwid and Shopify come with simplified setup processes that don’t require extensive technical knowledge. These platforms are designed to get your store online quickly and easily.
  • Shopify offers an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface to build your store, whereas Ecwid integrates into your existing website with minimal hassle.


  • Setting up WooCommerce can be more technically demanding. It requires installing WordPress, purchasing hosting, and manually configuring various settings.
  • However, the flexibility granted through WordPress and WooCommerce can be worth the initial complexity for users comfortable with these tasks.

3. Features and Customizability

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • Both platforms offer a wide variety of built-in features necessary for running an e-commerce store, including inventory management, payment gateways, and shipping options.
  • Customizability can be limited due to their nature as hosted solutions. While they offer a selection of themes and apps/extensions, they might not meet all unique business needs.


  • WooCommerce excels in customization. As an open-source solution, it allows for nearly unlimited customization options. You can tweak every aspect of the site’s appearance and functionality.
  • WooCommerce also offers thousands of plugins to extend capabilities, giving you the freedom to tailor your store to your specific requirements.

4. Costs

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • Both platforms follow a subscription-based pricing model. This typically includes hosting, security, and support services in one package.
  • Shopify offers several tiered pricing plans to cater to different business sizes and needs. Ecwid provides similar pricing structures, though it often offers a free tier with limited features.


  • Being open-source, WooCommerce itself is free to use. However, costs can accumulate through hosting, premium themes, and paid plugins.
  • You have to consider additional costs for security, backups, and potential developer fees if you’re not handling the customization on your own.

5. Scalability

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • Both Ecwid and Shopify scale well with business growth. Shopify, in particular, can handle a large volume of transactions and offers advanced plans designed for bigger enterprises.
  • Ecwid is traditionally better suited for smaller to mid-sized businesses but offers tiers for expansion as well.


  • WooCommerce’s scalability depends heavily on the server infrastructure you have. With the right hosting plan, WooCommerce can support large-scale e-commerce operations.
  • Advanced customization can also accommodate complex business operations, but this requires careful planning and potentially more robust technical support.

6. SEO and Marketing

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • Both platforms come with various SEO features right out of the box, such as customizable title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Shopify’s ecosystem includes a range of marketing tools and integrations that can enhance your store’s reach and engagement.
  • Ecwid integrates seamlessly with existing websites’ SEO strategies but could come short compared to Shopify’s extensive tools.


  • WooCommerce offers powerful SEO capabilities, particularly when paired with the right WordPress plugins (like Yoast SEO).
  • The flexibility of WordPress allows for more sophisticated SEO and marketing strategies, providing the opportunity to implement advanced practices.

7. Security and Support

Ecwid and Shopify:

  • These platforms take care of security, ensuring that your e-commerce store complies with industry standards, including PCI compliance.
  • They also offer various support channels, including customer service, knowledge bases, and community forums.


  • Security on WooCommerce is your responsibility. This includes securing your hosting environment, installing security plugins, and maintaining updates.
  • While there are plenty of resources and community support available, dedicated customer support like what’s offered by Shopify and Ecwid requires leveraging third-party services or hiring professional help.

8. Conclusion: Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between these e-commerce platforms ultimately depends on your specific business needs, technical expertise, and long-term goals.

  • Ecwid: Best for small businesses or existing websites that want to add e-commerce functionality quickly and cost-effectively.
  • Shopify: Ideal for users looking for a robust, managed solution with excellent support and scalability without worrying too much about the technical aspects.
  • WooCommerce: Perfect for those who want full control over their site’s functionality and are prepared for a steeper learning curve and additional management responsibility.


No matter which platform you choose, Metrotechs can assist you with the necessary tools to build, launch, and scale your e-commerce business. Visit our Brand Builder for AI-powered content creation, or explore our Launchpad for hosting and security solutions. If you need additional tools to streamline your operations, check out our Toolbox.

For further insights, here are some additional resources:

Happy e-commerce building!