Questions & Answers

We've gathered some of the most common questions about our platform and services to help you get a clearer understanding and maximize the benefits we offer. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us.

  • 1. What is Metrotechs and how can you help grow my business?

    Metrotechs is dedicated to helping you build, launch, and scale a successful e-commerce business. We offer a comprehensive suite of tools and services allowing for professional website design and development, website hosting, security, SEO, content creations, email services, and a lot more, all designed to enhance your online presence and attract more customers.

  • 2. What are AI-Powered Virtual Assistants and how do they work?

    Our AI-Powered Virtual Assistants are specialized chatbots, designed to provide expert guidance and services in various fields such as copywriting, SEO, programming, and social media marketing. Each Assistant offers targeted support to improve and streamline specific aspects of your business operations.

  • 3. Can I build my own website using the Metrotechs platform?

    Absolutely! The Launchpad has everything you need to build your own website. We offer cPanel hosting with WordPress and SiteJet site builder. You also have the option to use the Weebly WYSIWYG website builder.

  • 4. How can I create content with Metrotechs?

    Metrotechs offers a powerful content creation feature through AI templates. You can use our free content creation templates to help with creating blog posts, social media posts, product descriptions, life-like voiceovers, and more.

  • 5. How does the launchpad work?

    The Launchpad helps you start or grow your business. It includes a variety of services such as cPanel Hosting, SiteLock for website security, NordVPN for online encryption, and OX App Suite for professional email, among others.

  • 6. Does Metrotechs offer website design services?

    Yes! Metrotechs offers WordPress website design and development services. We can design and develop a custom WordPress website that will benefit your business for years to come.

  • 7. Does Metrotechs offer tools for SEO and monitoring website performance?

    Yes, Metrotechs provides tools like the XOVI Now SEO Suite for search engine optimization and 360 Site and Server Monitoring to keep an eye on your website's performance and uptime.

  • 8. Is there a way to back up my website data through Metrotechs?

    You can safeguard your website with CodeGuard Website Backup, which offers daily automated backups and recovery solutions.

Have any questions? Get in Touch

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